Though Agile got its “formal” start in the software development space, it’s now being embraced across the entire business landscape, for projects large and small, and even for full-scale turnarounds. And therefore it is no wonder that “survival” in this ever “changing” market dynamics means companies must adapt to disruption “faster” than their competitors. And market leaders must continuously innovate organically to stay ahead. We can help you to fast-track your specific priorities using Agile or to scale Agile deliveries across hundreds of cross-functional teams, across geographical locations to improve time-to-market, improve quality, boost employee motivation and become a truly progressive organization.

ACusBus Agile Consulting Service

ACusBus believes in experience, expertise and ability to understand customer context. We neither sell services, nor do we practice offering packaged solutions. We talk to our customers, understand their situation, partner with our customer to resolve the problem at hand. We also take adequate measures to ensure that our solutions are future ready to the best possible extent. Yes, we know that future is unpredictable and hence we don’t try to build a bridge for the future! But our solutions ensure that our customers can take the plunge with or without that bridge – by being prepared for the unseen, being ready to adapt and being smart to handle any unforeseen challenges.

As part of our consulting services thus far, we have see few common patterns emerging. E.g. we noticed that our clients manage increased agility, speedier innovation and faster productivity in their organizations. These directly impact their fastened ROI and shorter TTM. And did we mention that we managed reducing 30% waste on average?

Why ACusBus?

  • People: We have some of the best minds in the industry
  • Process: We follow and have in fact developed some of the best processes (e.g. Extreme Scrum)
  • Tools: We have deep capabilities in several tools (though we believe tools alone can’t solve any problem)

Core Agile Services

  • Agile Readiness and Maturity Assessment
  • Agile Training and Coaching
  • Consulting and Transformation Strategy

For more details on our services, contact us: support[at]acusbus[dot]com